Start your week with a dynamic one-hour MOTivational session. Educational thought leaders in equity, inclusion and accessibility share insights, strategies, and tools you can use now in virtual learning.
The Anti-Racist Educator: Engaging with Students through an Equity and Justice Framework in a Remote Learning World How can educators implement practices with their students about important issues related to Justice, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion? Dr. Victor Rios provides educators practical strategies for being reflexive about anti-racism and for having courageous conversations with their students and their colleagues. Research on students who overcome adversity to successfully navigate the higher education pipeline has demonstrated that resilience and prosperity are often actuated by an emotionally-relevant, anti-racist educator. In this Monday Masterclass, Dr. Rios will discuss how educators can play a powerful role in guiding students that have been left behind. He will provide examples of practical strategies that work in helping these at-promise students succeed in education. Dr. Rios presents insights from his own life as well as the latest research on cultural responsiveness, emotional support, anti-racism and resilience. This talk provides an overall picture of the importance of emotional support in the lives of marginalized students and demonstrates practical strategies and virtual tools for implementing this support in everyday school practices, especially in a remote learning world. Upcoming Open Enrollment Session Dates:
Dr. Victor Rios is Associate Dean of Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California Berkeley in 2005. Professor Rios has worked with local school districts to develop programs for students who have been left behind in their education. Using his personal experience of living on the streets, dropping out of school, and being incarcerated as a juvenile—along with his research findings—he has developed interventions for marginalized students aimed at promoting personal transformation and civic engagement. These programs have been implemented in many schools across the United States; juvenile detention facilities; and alternative high schools. He is also the author of six books including, My Teacher Believes in Me: The Educator’s Guide to At-Promise Students (2019); Street Life: Poverty, Gangs, and a Ph.D. (2011); Buscando Vida, Encontrando Éxito: La Fuerza de La Cultura Latina en la Educación (2016); and Human Targets: Schools, Police, and the Criminalization of Latino Youth (2017). Dr. Rios has been featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Ted Talks, the Oprah Winfrey Network, Primer Impacto, and National Public Radio. He has had the honor of meeting President Obama and advising his administration on gun violence and policing. His Ted Talk “Help for kids the education system ignores” has garnered over 1.5 Million views. He is the subject of the documentary film The Pushouts ( |