Donor Opportunities
The Museum of Tolerance offers a variety of donor opportunities for individuals, foundations and corporations. From funding an exhibit to adding your name to the donor wall, your support will allow the Museum to provide generations of people with an interactive educational experience promoting tolerance and respect.
If you are interested in making a donation or multi-year pledge, please contact Lori Tessel, Director of Development, Western Region at 800 900.9036, fax 310 772.7651 or email
Donor Wall
Major gift donors of the Museum of Tolerance are recognized in the appropriate category on the donor walls in the main lobby of the Museum of Tolerance.
Museum Builders:
$1 million and above
Capital Benefactors:
$500,000 - $1 million
Capital Pioneers:
$250,000 - $500,000
Capital Fellows:
$100,000 - $250,000
Capital Founders:
$50,000 - $100,000
Capital Patrons:
$25,000 - $50,000
Naming Opportunities
Artifact Display Cases:
The Greatest Generation: Located at the Liberation exhibit, this area is a tribute to the soldiers who liberated Europe. Inspiring visitors to share the enormous sense of freedom and relief felt by many prisoners upon their liberation, the showcase features a US flag made by inmates at Mauthausen Concentration camp. Among the original documents on display are Prime Minster Winston Churchill's speech, made on August 20, 1940, containing his famous quote: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” as well as President/General Dwight D. Eisenhower's book “Crusade on Europe” with the speech he made to the troops on D-Day. There is also a video display and personal memorabilia of American soldiers.
Pre-War Jewish Life: Located at “The World That Was” exhibit area, the artifacts displayed capture the richness of Jewish life in pre-War Europe. Artifacts from the Simon Wiesenthal archives and the Alan and Lisa Stern collection are organized into three sections: 1) The holy Torah scroll and Torah ornaments, from the Ashkenazi and Sephardic traditions; 2) life cycle events and Jewish holidays around which Jewish life revolved and; 3) the cultural essence of every Jewish home- secular or religious. The treasures include a seder plates, candle sticks, chanukiyot, rare books, and other Jewish ceremonial objects.
Adopt-A-School: MOT youth education programs wake up youth conscience and stimulate a lifelong commitment to values of respect and service. Through age-appropriate Museum tours and workshops, children and youths are exposed to important life skills of critical thinking and inter-personal communication. Adopt a class or a whole school to provide students with access to experiential learning and resources that will engage them in creating their own peaceful futures.
Arts and Lectures Series: Known in LA as ‘the place to see it first', the MOT has been pre-viewing award winning films and assembling the most notable authors and film-makers of our time for over a decade. Sponsor one event or a year-long series and support a public program that leaves a lasting impression.
Family Sundays: Every day is family day at the MOT but these occasions are uniquely exciting and rewarding for families. With award winning book authors, art projects, music, and the library's mobile book cart, Family Sunday events provide imaginative and meaningful quality time for LA's diverse families. Sponsor one Family Sunday or a series and make admission free for all.
Youth Leadership Development: If you believe in the potential of young people to contribute to their neighborhoods and promote values of inclusion and responsibility, then sponsor a leadership development program that will help equip them for a lifetime of achievement. The Museum offers various youth leadership programs, from its annual service learning process, to inter-cultural outreach and the Tools for Tolerance® for Teens program.
Distance Learning: Sponsor students in Hawaii, Alaska or anywhere in the U.S. to see and interact with a witness to history via the MOT's distance learning program. “Bridging the Gap” connects students via videoconferencing with speakers who have important stories to tell. They include Survivors of the Holocaust, leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, and even former hate crime offenders who give insight into the dynamics leading to hate group affiliation. The program includes teacher's guide materials, artifacts shown by a special camera, and Q and A between the students and the speaker.
Gifts to the Museum of Tolerance can be made payable over multiple years. If you are interested in making a donation or multi-year pledge, please contact Lori Tessel, Director of Development, Western Region at 800 900.9036, fax 310 772.7651 or email
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