Date: |
November 9 - 10, 1938 |
Sites: |
Jewish communities throughout Germany and Austria |
Perpetrators: |
Mobs of Germans and Austrians, acting under instructions of the Nazi hierarchy |
Damage: |
Arrested and sent to concentration camps (Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen): 30,000 Jews (8,000 from Austria) |
Murdered: |
36 Jews (other sources put this figure at 91) 36 more severely injured |
Vandalized and/or set ablaze: |
7500 Jewish homes and businesses 267 synagogues (76 completely destroyed) |
Pretext: |
Assassination of German diplomat, Ernst vom Rath, by Polish- Jewish refugee, Herschel Grynszpan, in an attempt to protest the forced deportation of his family, among the others, to the Polish- German border. |
Causes: |
Nazi policy decision based on:
Aftermath: |
Simon Wiesenthal Center-Museum of Tolerance Library & Archives
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