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The Simon Wiesenthal Center
An international Jewish human rights organization dedicated to generating change through the Snider Social Action Institute and education by confronting antisemitism, hate and terrorism, promoting human rights and dignity, standing with Israel, defending the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaching the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations. With a constituency of over 400,000 households in the United States, it is accredited as an NGO at international organizations including the United Nations, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, the Simon Wiesenthal Center maintains offices in New York, Toronto, Boca Raton, Paris, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem.

Moriah Films
The film division of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, was created to produce theatrical documentaries to educate both national and international audiences. It focuses on the 3,500-year old Jewish experience as well as contemporary human rights and ethics issues. Moriah has produced 10 films to date, two of which have received the Academy Award for best feature documentary, The Long Way Home (1997) and Genocide (1981).

iAct - Campus Outreach
The Campus Outreach division including the dynamic and innovative iACT with its interactive web presence was created to forge strategic alliances with campus groups, faculty, staff and students, to foster a new awareness of contemporary human rights, social justice and ethics in today’s college and university students. By exposing the truth behind anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, by fighting for America’s energy independence, by promoting human rights and dignity, by standing firmly with Israel, and by celebrating our unique identity as Jews, iACT is creating a strong and effective presence on campuses nationwide and giving a voice to the next generation of global human rights activists.