Frequently Asked Questions

Museum of Tolerance Frequently Asked Questions for Youth Tours

1. What are the age recommendations for MOT tours?
The Holocaust Exhibit and Social Lab tour is recommended for students in 7th grade and up. The Anne Frank Exhibit is recommended for students in 5th grade and up. Our Steps to Tolerance program is recommended for 5th and 6th graders, and our Tools for Tolerance for Teens program is recommended for students grades 7-12. At this time, we do not offer programming that caters to students younger than 5th grade.

2. How long should I expect to spend in the museum?
The Holocaust Exhibit/Social Lab tour typically runs three hours and encapsulates our Holocaust Exhibit and Social Lab. We can optionally add a guided tour of the Anne Frank Exhibit as well, which is no additional cost but does take an additional hour. We can similarly add a Holocaust Survivor Testimony to your trip at no additional cost but for an additional hour. If you wish to tour the Anne Frank Exhibit by itself, it the tour will be 90 minutes. Please note that these times do not include breaks for lunch.

3. What time can my tour start?
The earliest bookable tour begins at 8:30am. After that, tours begin every 30 minutes, with the last bookable tour beginning at 12:30pm. We are happy to work around your schedule as availability allows, so please include your desired start time in your group tour email request.

4. How far in advance should I make reservations for my group?
Tours tend to fill up quickly at the Museum of Tolerance. Because of this, we recommend emailing as soon as you know the particular date, time, and type of tour that you wish to reserve. Once you have scheduled your visit with the Field Trip Coordinator, you will receive an email confirming your reservation.

5. How many chaperones should I bring?
We require 2 chaperones for every 25 students.

6. How do I prepare my students for the visit?
We provide curriculum-aligned lesson plans to prepare your students for the tours. You can view the Teacher’s Guides here.

7. Is there a place for my group to eat lunch?
As we are a kosher facility, we don't allow any outside food on the premises. We do have a cafeteria, and reservations are required for groups. To reserve with the cafeteria, please call 310-772-2518. Otherwise, we recommend that groups eat lunch at either Roxbury Park or Rancho Park, which are both close by.

8. What are MOT security procedures?
All visitors pass through a metal detector before beginning the tours. The following items will not be allowed in the museum: lighters, vapes, cigarettes and e-cigarettes, drugs of any kind, pens/markers, food or candy of any kind, lunchboxes, beverages (water is acceptable), chewing gum, sharp objects, weapons, pepper spray, and mace. Students are not allowed to bring backpacks into the museum. Teachers and chaperones may have backpacks, but they will be subject to a search. This list may change without notice. 

9. Do docents speak languages other than English?
Yes. Multilingual tour guides are available in a limited capacity. All requests for tours in languages other than English must be made in at least one month in advance with our Field Trip Coordinator. We will do our best to provide a docent who will fulfill your group's needs.

10. How can I request free or discounted tickets?
Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to provide limited grant tickets to Title 1 schools to cover the cost of admission for group tours from July-February.  There are no free or discounted tickets available to groups touring between March - June.  To find out if your school qualifies for this assistance, please email

11. Do you provide funding to cover the cost of transportation to the Museum of Tolerance?
At this time, we do not offer funding for transportation. Click here to find out about possible funding sources.

Please note that orders cannot be made, edited or cancelled over the phone. Any and all updates to orders must be sent to To pay for an order, please kindly call 310-772-2505 during business hours.